Don't miss seeing Mo Willems' original paintings in the Opposites Abstract exhibit. On display through May 18.



Creating those teachable moments.

Some of the most successful learning experiences are highly individualized to the learner.

One-on-one time with an adult is beneficial.

Whether at school with a teacher or at home with a parent, the most dramatic learning occurs when a child is working one-on-one with an adult and when the activities have been selected specifically to fit that child’s individual interests, abilities, and knowledge base. No one knows your child better than you and, the good news is, it can be a lot easier and less expensive to implement cutting-edge learning activities than you might have thought.

To help get you started, here are some ideas for high quality learning experiences that are simple, fun, and can be done using things you already have in your home. These activities will give you insight into just how easy it is to take a teachable moment, turn it into important growth for your child, and create lasting memories of your time together.

Don’t forget, your projects don’t have to be perfect. Encourage your child to explore remembering that we develop considerable insights from trial and error and, introduce some play into your process because children make remarkable progress when learning activities are infused with elements of pretend.

Adventure Journal

Animal Train

Aquarium 1

Aquarium 2

Baby Book

Dancing Rainbow

Puppet Play

Sink or Swim

Surprise, Surprise!

Textured Mosaic

Wacky Brushes – Artistic Touches

Open Today:

CLOSED 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm

Groups Today:

AM 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students
PM 0 Students 0 Students 48 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students

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