We're splashing down the days in the H2Oh! Splash Park before school starts. Come cool off before the season ends September 1.

Tornado Generator • Exhibit

Step inside a tornado.

What happens when you manipulate the air currents?

Tornado Generator

The tornado generator uses mist, fans, and a uniquely shaped structure to produce a large indoor tornado. Children can intentionally manipulate the air currents that can cause both the creation and temporary cessation of a tornado, just like in nature. Bonus: tips to keep safe during a tornado emergency.

Open Today:

CLOSED 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm

Groups Today:

AM 0 Students 17 Students 52 Students 0 Students 30 Students 0 Students 0 Students
PM 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 90 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students

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