We're splashing down the days in the H2Oh! Splash Park before school starts. Come cool off before the season ends September 1.

American Airways • Exhibit

How can you see air?


American Airways

What better way to learn the power of air than at the American Airways exhibit? While air is invisible, children can see the power of air coursing through the clear pneumatic tube system. By using colorful scarves and balls, children can conduct experiments to learn how different masses and shapes affect how quickly objects flow through the maze of tubes. Who knew aerodynamics could be this fun!?

Open Today:

CLOSED 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm

Groups Today:

AM 0 Students 17 Students 52 Students 0 Students 30 Students 0 Students 0 Students
PM 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students 90 Students 0 Students 0 Students 0 Students

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